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The invoice Object


Our invoice JSON format aims to be as straightforward and aligned with the EN16931 standard as possible.

Formats such as Factur-X, XRechnung, UBL and CII are based on this European standard.



invoiceIdstring (uuid)


waystring (enum)


  "type": 380,
  "processType": "B1",
  "invoiceId": "INV20240918-001",
  "invoiceDate": "2024-09-18",
  "invoiceDueDate": "2024-10-18",
  "buyer": {
    "name": "Example Buyer",
    "country": "FR",
    "siren": "987654321",
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLineOne": "456 Buyer Avenue",
      "cityName": "Paris",
      "postalCode": "75002",
      "country": "FR"
  "seller": {
    "name": "Example Seller",
    "country": "FR",
    "siren": "123456789",
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLineOne": "123 Seller Street",
      "cityName": "Paris",
      "postalCode": "75001",
      "country": "FR"
  "taxDetails": [
      "taxableAmount": {
        "amount": 1000
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 200
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "S",
      "percent": 20
  "monetary": {
    "invoiceAmount": {
      "amount": 1200
    "taxBasisTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 1000
    "taxTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 200,
      "currency": "EUR"
    "payableAmount": {
      "amount": 1200
    "lineTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 1000
    "invoiceCurrency": "EUR"
  "type": 380,
  "processType": "B1",
  "invoiceId": "F20220031",
  "invoiceDate": "2022-01-31",
  "invoiceDueDate": "2022-03-02",
  "referenceData": {
    "buyerReferenceId": "SERVEXEC",
    "buyerOrderReferenceId": "PO201925478",
    "despatchDocumentReferenceId": "DESPADV002",
    "accountingCostId": "BUYER ACCOUNT REF",
    "contractReferenceId": "CT2018120802"
  "billingPeriod": {
    "begin": "20220101",
    "end": "20221231"
  "notes": [
      "type": "REG",
      "content": "FOURNISSEUR F SARL au capital de 50 000 EUR"
      "type": "ABL",
      "content": "RCS MAVILLE 123 456 782"
      "type": "AAI",
      "content": "35 ma rue a moi, code postal Ville Pays – -  – N° TVA : FR32 123 456 789"
      "type": "PMD",
      "content": "Tout retard de paiement engendre une pénalité exigible à compter de la date d'échéance, calculée sur la base de trois fois le taux d'intérêt légal. "
      "type": "PMT",
      "content": "Indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de recouvrement en cas de retard de paiement : 40 €."
      "type": "AAB",
      "content": "Les réglements reçus avant la date d'échéance ne donneront pas lieu à escompte."
  "buyer": {
    "name": "LE CLIENT",
    "country": "FR",
    "siren": "987654321",
    "electronicAddress": "0225:987654321",
    "vatNumber": "FR 05 987 654 321",
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLineOne": "MON ADRESSE LIGNE 1",
      "addressLineTwo": "Buyer line 2",
      "addressLineThree": "Buyer line 3",
      "cityName": "MA VILLE",
      "postalCode": "06000",
      "country": "FR"
  "seller": {
    "name": "LE FOURNISSEUR",
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    "country": "FR",
    "siren": "123456782",
    "siret": "12345678200077",
    "electronicAddress": "0225:123456782",
    "vatNumber": "FR11123456782",
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      "addressLineThree": "Seller line 3",
      "cityName": "PARIS",
      "postalCode": "75018",
      "country": "FR"
  "payee": {
    "name": "PAYEE NAME",
    "siren": "123456782",
    "identifiers": [
        "type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIER",
        "scheme": "0088",
        "value": "587451236586"
  "shipping": {
    "deliveryDate": "2022-01-28",
    "tradeParty": {
      "name": "DEL Name",
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        "addressLineTwo": "DEL line 2",
        "cityName": "NICE",
        "postalCode": "06000",
        "country": "FR"
  "paymentMeans": [
      "typeCode": "30",
      "paymentReference": "F20180023BUYER",
      "bankTransfer": {
        "iban": "FR76 1254 2547 2569 8542 5874 698"
  "allowances": [
      "actualAmount": {
        "amount": 1.4
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        "amount": 28
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      "reason": "REMISE COMMERCIALE",
      "reasonCode": "100",
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        "percent": 20
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        "amount": 1.2
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        "amount": 12
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      "reason": "REMISE COMMERCIALE",
      "reasonCode": "100",
      "taxDetail": {
        "taxType": "VAT",
        "categoryCode": "S",
        "percent": 10
  "charges": [
      "actualAmount": {
        "amount": 2.8
      "basisAmount": {
        "amount": 28
      "calculationPercent": 10,
      "reason": "FRAIS DEPLACEMENT",
      "reasonCode": "FC",
      "taxDetail": {
        "taxType": "VAT",
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        "percent": 20
      "actualAmount": {
        "amount": 0.6
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        "amount": 12
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      "taxDetail": {
        "taxType": "VAT",
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        "percent": 10
  "taxDetails": [
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        "amount": 29.4
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 5.88
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "S",
      "percent": 20
      "taxableAmount": {
        "amount": 60
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 0
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "E",
      "percent": 0,
      "exemptionReason": "DEBOURS",
      "exemptionReasonCode": "VATEX-EU-79-C"
      "taxableAmount": {
        "amount": 11.4
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 1.14
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "S",
      "percent": 10
  "monetary": {
    "invoiceAmount": {
      "amount": 107.82
    "taxBasisTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 100.8
    "taxTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 7.02,
      "currency": "EUR"
    "payableAmount": {
      "amount": 107.82
    "prepaidTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 0
    "lineTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 100
    "chargeTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 3.4
    "allowanceTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 2.6
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  "type": 380,
  "processType": "B1",
  "invoiceId": "F20220023",
  "invoiceDate": "2022-01-31",
  "invoiceDueDate": "2022-03-02",
  "referenceData": {
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    "buyerOrderReferenceId": "PO201925478",
    "despatchDocumentReferenceId": "DESPADV002",
    "accountingCostId": "BUYER ACCOUNT REF",
    "contractReferenceId": "CT2018120802",
    "directDebitMandateId": "MANDATE PT",
    "creditorReferenceId": "CREDID"
  "billingPeriod": {
    "begin": "20220101",
    "end": "20221231"
  "referencedDocuments": [
      "invoiceId": "F20220003",
      "date": "2022-01-01"
  "notes": [
      "type": "REG",
      "content": "FOURNISSEUR F SARL au capital de 50 000 EUR"
      "type": "ABL",
      "content": "RCS MAVILLE 123 456 782"
      "type": "AAI",
      "content": "35 ma rue a moi, code postal Ville Pays – -  – N° TVA : FR32 123 456 789"
      "type": "PMD",
      "content": "Tout retard de paiement engendre une pénalité exigible à compter de la date d'échéance, calculée sur la base de trois fois le taux d'intérêt légal. "
      "type": "PMT",
      "content": "Indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de recouvrement en cas de retard de paiement : 40 €."
      "type": "AAB",
      "content": "Les réglements reçus avant la date d'échéance ne donneront pas lieu à escompte."
  "buyer": {
    "name": "LE CLIENT",
    "country": "FR",
    "siren": "987654321",
    "electronicAddress": "0225:987654321",
    "vatNumber": "FR 05 987 654 321",
    "postalAddress": {
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      "addressLineTwo": "Buyer line 2",
      "addressLineThree": "Buyer line 3",
      "cityName": "MA VILLE",
      "postalCode": "06000",
      "country": "FR"
    "identifiers": [
        "type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIER",
        "scheme": "0088",
        "value": "3654789851"
  "seller": {
    "name": "LE FOURNISSEUR",
    "tradingBusinessName": "SELLER TRADE NAME",
    "country": "FR",
    "siren": "123456782",
    "siret": "12345678200077",
    "electronicAddress": "0225:12345678200077",
    "vatNumber": "FR11123456782",
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLineOne": "35 rue d'ici",
      "addressLineTwo": "Seller line 2",
      "addressLineThree": "Seller line 3",
      "cityName": "PARIS",
      "postalCode": "75018",
      "country": "FR"
    "identifiers": [
        "type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIER",
        "scheme": "0088",
        "value": "587451236587"
        "type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIER",
        "scheme": "0177",
        "value": "ODETTE254879"
        "type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIER",
        "scheme": "0060",
        "value": "DUNS1235487"
  "payee": {
    "name": "PAYEE NAME",
    "siren": "223456782",
    "identifiers": [
        "type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIER",
        "scheme": "0088",
        "value": "587451236586"
  "sellerTaxRepresentative": {
    "name": "SELLER TAX REP",
    "vatNumber": "FR 05 987 654 321",
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLineOne": "35 rue d'ici",
      "addressLineTwo": "Seller line 2",
      "addressLineThree": "Seller line 3",
      "cityName": "PARIS",
      "postalCode": "75018",
      "country": "FR"
  "shipping": {
    "deliveryDate": "2022-01-28",
    "tradeParty": {
      "name": "DEL Name",
      "postalAddress": {
        "addressLineOne": "DEL ADRESSE LIGNE 1",
        "addressLineTwo": "DEL line 2",
        "cityName": "NICE",
        "postalCode": "06000",
        "country": "FR"
  "paymentMeans": [
      "typeCode": "30",
      "paymentReference": "F20180023BUYER",
      "bankTransfer": {
        "iban": "FR76 1254 2547 2569 8542 5874 698"
      "bankDirectDebit": {
        "iban": "FRDEBIT"
  "lines": [
      "id": 1,
      "item": {
        "name": "PRESTATION SUPPORT",
        "itemIdentifier": {
          "scheme": "0088",
          "value": "598785412598745"
      "billedQuantity": {
        "unitCode": "C62",
        "quantity": 1
      "totalAmount": {
        "amount": 60
      "taxDetail": {
        "taxType": "VAT",
        "categoryCode": "E",
        "percent": 0
      "price": {
        "netAmount": {
          "amount": 60
        "baseQuantity": {
          "unitCode": "C62",
          "quantity": 1
      "allowances": [
          "actualAmount": {
            "amount": 1
          "reason": "REMISE VOLUME",
          "reasonCode": "71"
      "charges": [
          "actualAmount": {
            "amount": 1
          "reason": "FRAIS PALETTE"
      "id": 2,
      "item": {
        "name": "FOURNITURES DIVERSES"
      "billedQuantity": {
        "unitCode": "C62",
        "quantity": 3
      "totalAmount": {
        "amount": 28
      "taxDetail": {
        "taxType": "VAT",
        "categoryCode": "S",
        "percent": 10
      "price": {
        "netAmount": {
          "amount": 30
        "baseQuantity": {
          "unitCode": "C62",
          "quantity": 3
      "allowances": [
          "actualAmount": {
            "amount": 2
          "reason": "REMISE VOLUME",
          "reasonCode": "71"
      "id": 3,
      "item": {
        "name": "APPEL"
      "billedQuantity": {
        "unitCode": "C62",
        "quantity": 1
      "totalAmount": {
        "amount": 7
      "taxDetail": {
        "taxType": "VAT",
        "categoryCode": "S",
        "percent": 20
      "price": {
        "netAmount": {
          "amount": 7
  "allowances": [
      "actualAmount": {
        "amount": 5
      "basisAmount": {
        "amount": 100
      "calculationPercent": 5,
      "reason": "REMISE COMMERCIALE",
      "reasonCode": "95",
      "taxDetail": {
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        "categoryCode": "S",
        "percent": 20
      "actualAmount": {
        "amount": 1
      "basisAmount": {
        "amount": 100
      "calculationPercent": 1,
      "reason": "REMISE COMMERCIALE",
      "reasonCode": "100",
      "taxDetail": {
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      "actualAmount": {
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      "reason": "REMISE COMMERCIALE",
      "reasonCode": "100",
      "taxDetail": {
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        "percent": 20
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        "amount": 100
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      "reason": "REMISE COMMERCIALE",
      "taxDetail": {
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        "categoryCode": "S",
        "percent": 10
  "charges": [
      "actualAmount": {
        "amount": 10
      "basisAmount": {
        "amount": 100
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      "reason": "FRAIS DEPLACEMENT",
      "reasonCode": "FC",
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        "percent": 20
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        "amount": 100
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      "taxDetail": {
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        "amount": 100
      "calculationPercent": 2,
      "reason": "FRAIS DEPLACEMENT",
      "reasonCode": "FC",
      "taxDetail": {
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        "categoryCode": "K",
        "percent": 0
      "actualAmount": {
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        "amount": 100
      "calculationPercent": 1,
      "reason": "FRAIS DEPLACEMENT",
      "reasonCode": "FC",
      "taxDetail": {
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        "categoryCode": "S",
        "percent": 10
  "taxDetails": [
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        "amount": 11
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 2.2
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "S",
      "percent": 20
      "taxableAmount": {
        "amount": 60
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 0
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "E",
      "percent": 0,
      "exemptionReason": "DEBOURS",
      "exemptionReasonCode": "VATEX-EU-79-C"
      "taxableAmount": {
        "amount": 27
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 2.7
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "S",
      "percent": 10
      "taxableAmount": {
        "amount": 2
      "taxAmount": {
        "amount": 0
      "taxType": "VAT",
      "categoryCode": "K",
      "percent": 0,
      "exemptionReason": "LIVRAISON INTRACOMMUNAUTAIRE",
      "exemptionReasonCode": "VATEX-EU-IC"
  "monetary": {
    "invoiceAmount": {
      "amount": 104.9
    "taxBasisTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 100
    "taxTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 4.9,
      "currency": "EUR"
    "payableAmount": {
      "amount": 104.9
    "prepaidTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 0
    "lineTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 95
    "chargeTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 14
    "allowanceTotalAmount": {
      "amount": 9
    "invoiceCurrency": "EUR"

To correctly identify a party (An entity involved in the e-invoicing process - buyer / seller / payee etc..) you will find an identifiers object, which is mandatory for all kind of parties.
An exception is made for French parties, as you can directly use the siren, siret without needing to use the identifiers property.